Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) Lead - DTC eCommerce US
About Freebird
Freebird is a fast-growing DTC eCommerce brand focused on delivering transformational head-shaving solutions through innovation and simplicity. With an average of 1 million monthly visitors to our website, we see a huge upside in driving growth through consistent testing and experimentation.
We are seeking a CRO Lead to take ownership of our optimization strategy, leading a team to ship impactful experiments that improve website KPIs such as conversion rates (CVR), average order value (AOV), and revenue per visitor (RPV).
You’ll be joining a collaborative team, including a UX Designer and a Developer, with support from a Project Manager to ensure smooth execution of ideas and tests.
What You’ll Do
As the CRO Lead, you will:
- Own the CRO Strategy
- Build and manage a robust backlog of hypotheses and...